Membership & Fees
Membership & Fees
Your first 2 sessions are a free trial;
When you make your promise you need to pay a £10 joining fee (which includes your scarf and badges)
After that membership will cost £10 / month and will be collected through the Online Scout Manager system;
Membership must still be paid even if you don't attend (just the same as with Netflix or the gym.)
Camps, trips & other activities
For activities run outside of our normal meeting place there may be additional costs (e.g. for instructors / equipment / venue hire.) These need to be paid through online Scout Manager before the trip.
Beavers wear a bright blue jumper available to buy from Scout Stores and other retailers for approx. £14
They also wear a group scarf and a coloured woggle (given when they make their promise)
Cubs wear a dark green jumper available to buy from Scout Stores and other retailers for approx. £14.50
They also wear a group scarf and a coloured woggle (given when they make their promise)
Other Expectations
The 6th Hackney is a community, and everyone must contribute to it in some way:
We will review each term whether families are volunteering their time to help run the group (at least two each term)
Exceptions must be agreed with the Group's Executive Committee beforehand.
One reminder will be given before a space in the group is withdrawn
Our group is heavily over-subscribed with a large waiting list:
We will assume that anyone missing 2 meetings (4 weeks) without contacting their section leader has left the group, and call up another young person to take their space;
Consistently poor / disruptive behaviour will not be allowed and a "three strikes and you're out" policy is in effect;
Young people leaving and then wanting to return will return to the end of the waiting list.
Some young people will be given priority on the waiting list:
Young people living in the London Borough of Hackney take priority over those who don't;
Brothers and sisters of existing members take priority over new members;
Scouts whose families have just moved to Hackney may be given priority (at the committee's discretion);
Any other case agreed by the Executive Committee to be in-line with our Scout Promise, Law or Values;